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September 2024 Fundraising Events a Huge Success

Thank you to everyone who supported our 15th Annual Chipping for Cancer Care and Prevention Golf Outing and our 2024 Helicopter Ball Drop and contributed to making those events a huge success! We are grateful for all of our event participants, sponsors, volunteers, and partnering organizations that made these happen.

Thanks to the incredible support from this community, the Golf Outing brought in more than $75,000 and the Helicopter Ball Drop raised over $7,000!

Your generous support through these events helps us to deepen our commitment to patients and caregivers throughout the cancer journey, contributing to our work creating connections, providing education, and guiding patient navigation. The funds raised during the Golf Outing and Helicopter Ball Drop go a long way in making a positive impact on the lives of those we serve.

And sharing an extra special thank-you to all of our event sponsors and supporters!

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